is Now Alpha.Jobs!

Published on November 29, 2024 is Now Alpha.Jobs!

Since 2013, has been dedicated to connecting job seekers and employers, helping more than 23,000 employers find the right staff and assisting hundreds of thousands of individuals in finding jobs. Over the years, we’ve been proud to serve the communities of Greece and Cyprus as a trusted job portal.

Today, we’re excited to announce that has rebranded to Alpha.Jobs, marking a new chapter in our journey. This change reflects our commitment to providing an innovative, efficient, and global platform for all your job-searching and recruitment needs.

Important Information for Employers

If you are an employer with remaining paid job posts on, rest assured that these posts will be transferred to Alpha.Jobs. To facilitate this process, please contact us through the following channels:

  • Email:
  • Phone (Cyprus): (+357) 99907736
  • Phone (Greece): (+30) 6980 87 87 44

Our team is here to ensure a smooth transition for all our valued clients.

Important Information for Candidates

As part of the rebranding, we will be deleting all previously uploaded CVs from To continue accessing job opportunities, we kindly ask all job seekers to create new profiles and upload their CVs on Alpha.Jobs. This will ensure compatibility with our new AI-powered platform and enhance your job-seeking experience.

Your participation in this process is crucial to making the transition as seamless as possible, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Why the Rebrand?

We made this decision to align with our vision for the future. Here are the key reasons behind the rebranding:

  1. A Brand-New AI-Powered Platform
  2. Alpha.Jobs introduces cutting-edge AI features to revolutionize job matching. Employers and job seekers will now benefit from smarter, faster, and more accurate recommendations tailored to their specific needs.
  3. Expanded Services
  4. Alongside traditional job postings, we’re introducing new tools and services to make recruitment and job hunting more effective. These include enhanced analytics, automated applicant tracking, and career-focused content for job seekers.
  5. A Global Name for Global Growth
  6. The new name, Alpha.Jobs, reflects our ambition to expand beyond Greece and Cyprus, offering our services to a global audience. It is simple, memorable, and resonates across cultures, helping us reach a broader market.
  7. Improved User Experience
  8. Our redesigned platform offers a sleek, intuitive interface that makes posting jobs and applying for positions easier than ever. Whether you’re a long-time user or visiting for the first time, Alpha.Jobs provides a seamless experience.

What This Means for You

  • For Job Seekers: You’ll continue to find the same high-quality job opportunities you’ve trusted since 2013, now enhanced with AI-powered recommendations and new tools to help you land your dream job.
  • For Employers: All your existing account data and remaining job posts will be securely transferred to Alpha.Jobs, ensuring a seamless transition with no disruption to your recruitment efforts.

Thank You for Your Trust

This rebrand marks the beginning of an exciting era for us, and we couldn’t have reached this milestone without your support. Whether you’re an employer or a job seeker, you’ve been a vital part of our journey, and we’re committed to serving you even better with Alpha.Jobs.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at or via our contact numbers.

Thank you for being part of our story. Let’s take the next step together with Alpha.Jobs!

The Alpha.Jobs Team