About Us

About Alpha.Jobs: Your Premier Job Search Platform in Cyprus, Greece.

Welcome to Alpha.Jobs, the leading job board connecting talented professionals with top employers across Cyprus, Greece. Our mission is to revolutionize the job search experience and provide unparalleled access to quality career opportunities in these dynamic markets.

Our Journey: From AggeliesErgasias.com to Alpha.Jobs

Founded on November 3rd 2024, Alpha.Jobs emerges from the success of AggeliesErgasias.com, bringing over a decade of expertise in the Mediterranean job market. As part of the Pezuni Ltd family, we've been at the forefront of recruitment since 2013, evolving to meet the changing needs of both job seekers and employers.

Innovative Features for Modern Job Seekers and Employers

• AI-Driven Matching: Our advanced algorithms ensure precise job-candidate matches.

• Extensive Job Listings: Thousands of opportunities across diverse industries in Cyprus, Greece, and Malta.

• User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design for seamless navigation and job applications.

• Customizable Job Alerts: Stay updated with personalized notifications.

• Advanced Filtering: Find your ideal job or candidate with precision.

Unmatched Reach in the Mediterranean Job Market

Leveraging AggeliesErgasias.com's vast social media network of over 650,000 followers, we offer unparalleled exposure for every job posting. This extensive reach ensures that employers connect with the best talent, while job seekers gain access to a wide array of opportunities.

Our Commitment to Your Career Growth

Our dedicated team is passionate about fostering career development and creating meaningful connections between employers and job seekers. We continuously innovate to make the job search and hiring process more efficient and effective for everyone in Cyprus, Greece, and Malta.

Join Alpha.Jobs today and take the next step in your career journey or find your next star employee in the Mediterranean's most vibrant job markets.

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